Owner of two companies, for almost two decades and thriving to go higher and grow by employing people so they can make ends meet to help their family. To help employers like me save time without the stress to find workers. I decided to break the barriers of building a platform so that both the employers and employees may benefit from my company.
Youneedworknow.com is the company for everyone from the tree cutting guys to doctors and lawyers. With a resume or not we will still be able to help you find the right job for you.
Over the years we have hired companies that promise to send their best candidates for job interviews only to find out that they were not qualified or well suited for the job. Meanwhile they are charging hundreds of dollars monthly for ghost candidates. We believe it’s false advertising. Youneedworknow.com is the new way to hire without monthly fees for employers. What we guarantee is you doubling your chances to be found by employers.